sâmbătă, 7 martie 2009

I'm alive!

Un simplu amanunt istoric readus in constiinta publicului poate eficientiza bugetul de comunicare.

Kauppalehti is a leading and oldest business newspaper in Finland focusing on marketing and economics. About ten years ago The Sanoma Corporation - the 2nd biggest media house in Scandinavia decided to wipe Kauppalehti off the map with their own business daily newspaper, 'Taloussanomat'. By the end of 2007 Taloussanomat was forced to terminate the printed version of newspaper.

The 2nd of January 2008 was the first day when Kauppalehti was issued without it's competitor, Taloussanomat. For just one day the name of the newspaper was changed. Instead of Kauppalehti the name was changed to Minä elän!, which means I'm alive!. See the whole story on mad-blog.com.

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